Monday, October 3, 2011

What did you do with your extra unused medication?

I have approximately $3000 worth of unused gonal-f and ovidrel just sitting in my fridge (4 gonal f 900iu pens and 4 Ovidrels). I was just going to keep it for the next baby, but I really don't want to start trying again when this one will only be 5 mos old (some of the meds will expire in august of 2012 or a little later). The fertility clinic nurse told me I could use it up until 6 mos after the expiration date which still does not give me a lot of time between children.

I thought of donating it but my doctor told me it isn't a tax deductible donation. I'm generous but I can't just give away $3000 when I know I have a move and a new baby on the way. I'm thinking about selling the online for half the price. Is this a bad idea? Has anyone else done this? What did you do with your unused medication?


Little One said...

I live in Canada. I have a friend who sold hers. Apparently her clinic collects names of ppl who have unused meds and pass on the information to patients looking to buy the meds for cheaper. Would this be an option? Ask your clinic if they do that. Otherwise, are any of your friends TTC?

Lorelei said...

I asked my doctor about passing the word along. They had done it in the past but because they recently went from being a private practice to being owned by a large hospital they no longer can participate in exchanging that information.

Anonymous said...

I'm on an online forum for single ladies TTC and every now and then there's mention of drugs available (even though the forum discourages the advertisement of such). I once bought from a girl on there and it was great. She sold it to me at a good price so she got some money back and I got a good discount. Hope you find someone to buy!