Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So much going on!

What a busy week its been! My family came to visit this weekend and my dad got on my case about not answering my phone right away on thursday. I told him I was busy making a baby with the doctor and it just didn't seem appropriate to talk to my daddy throughout the procedure. He was a little embarrased but thought it was pretty funny. Ahh the modern day daughter.

Work has been chaotic, there is just not enough time in the day to finish everything that needs to be done and I refuse to spend more than 10 hours at the office in one day. Unfortunately I was assigned a project that is completely beyond my expertise. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have such a short project timeline (3 wks when this would normally take an experienced person 8 wks) I just hope that I can get my project done before the deadline so I don't let down our client. More importantly, I hope the stress of this project doesn't affect my chance of conceiving.

Strange, last time I had a lot of cramping in my ovaries (mostly caused by the large cyst I developed last cycle) and this time all my cramping is uterine. Crossing my fingers that it's a good sign. With all the recent BFP's occuring with my blogging friends, I really hope that all the good baby dust rubs off on me.

I have to say I am still kind of oblivious to this cycle. I forget about it all the time. I haven't had the same in-your-face side affects I had last time to constantly remind me. I just haven't had time to think about it. Hopefully by not obsessing over the baby making process, it will just happen.

What will this next week bring? I had my progesterone checked today and it was only at a 12 (should be 18). I gave myself the ovidrel booster already which means I have 10 more days to wait before I get my first beta. Lets hope that AF stays away!


Paige said...

Yikes...this all sounds super stressfull and during the 2ww. Remember to take care of YOU!

Gille said...

Sounds like a nice cycle all around. Not obsessing, hopefully not stressing. Hoping for you!

Tiara said...

Keeping your mind busy definitely makes the waiting easier but don't let work stress you too much. Like Paige said, take care of YOU!

Sending you all the baby dust I can spare :)